
Welcome to
Havering Health

GP Federation

Havering Health is a Federation of 40 General Practices in the London Borough of Havering caring for more than 270,000 patients.

92% of the Havering population is registered with a GP practice which holds membership of Havering Health. We continue to work and engage with all remaining GP Practices.

Havering Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are groups of GP practices that have come together to work more closely together to improve the quality of care for patients in Havering.

There are five PCNs in Havering: Crest PCN, North PCN, South PCN, Marshalls PCN and Liberty. The PCNs include a wide number of staff and skill mix, including the ARRS (Additional Reimbursable Roles Scheme – Staff) and Havering Health supports the recruitment of for the PCNs.

The ARRS staff provide a valuable resource and additional services to the PCNs and Practices in supporting the delivery of high-quality and integrated care to patients across Havering. This staff group supports the other hard-working staff in general practice.

Local NHS services

The PCN works in partnership with local and NHS service providers and groups.